Berlitz Publishing - Gratuit - iPhone / iPod Touch

Berlitz 21 French Verbs.

Berlitz 21 French Verbs.
Catégorie: Éducation
notes: iPhone/iPad App - Berlitz 21 French Verbs.notes: iPhone/iPad App - Berlitz 21 French Verbs.notes: iPhone/iPad App - Berlitz 21 French Verbs.notes: iPhone/iPad App - Berlitz 21 French Verbs.notes: iPhone/iPad App - Berlitz 21 French Verbs. 13 notes
Société: Berlitz Publishing
Date de publication: 22 août 2010
Type d’appli: iPhone / iPod Touch

"Look up complete conjugations for 21 of the most widely used French verbs:

Verbs include: avoir, brancher, conclure, découvrir, espérer, féliciter, grandir, habiter, s’inquiéter, jeter, louer, mentir, naître, oublier, promettre, quitter, remercier, sourire, se tromper, utiliser, voyager

Each verb includes its English translation as well as the f...
